Thursday, May 9, 2024

Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin And Pol Pot Are Celebrating Cleveland Foxturds!

These three excellent world leaders (though now deceased) are definitely celebrating Cleveland Foxturds. In Heaven, where they surely are, having earned entry to paradise through their good deeds in life! Donald Trump has also earned his place in Heaven. When he passes away (decades from now) he will take his place at the right hand of God, as his Chosen Leader who served him best! Nobody can deny that Donald Trump did an outstanding job as POTUS when he served his first term. I have zero doubt that Donald Trump will do an even better job as president when he returns to the White House in 2025.

Provided Satan does not prevail and his chosen leader (Joe Bidet) does not steal the election again. As he did in 2020. But I am quite confident that Donald Trump will defeat the dementia-addled demon-possessed Bidet and serve a second and probably third term. Then American WILL be Great Again! Heil Herr Trump, our wonderful golden God! All bow down in worship to President Trump!

Surely his accomplishments as US POTUS after his triumphant return to the White House will surpass the incredible accomplishments of Stalin, Hitler and Pot. Making these superlative leaders a tad jealous, perhaps? But, given that these 3 fine gentlement (who are now in Heaven) definitely only want what is best for humanity, they can put aside such petty jealously. For certain.

And CHEER for the success of God's warrior Donald Trump and for the DEFEAT of Satan's demented bumbling champion, Joe Bidet. Yes, my friends, we (when the HELL of the Bidet reign has ended) will ALL celebrate. Blogs such as mine are important in bringing about this victory, I am convinced. Not this one, specifically. But I am positive I am doing the Lord's work on my other sister blog, Cleveland Foxers.

It is on my Cleveland Foxers blog that I post information and videos that keep my readers informed about what the Prophets are saying. This keeps hope alive. The lamestream media, at the direction of Joe Bidet, is trying to censor and keep hidden the GOOD news the Lord is spreading via HIS prophets. If people don't hear from the prophets they may lose hope. Not bother voting because they have lost faith and wrongly conclude that God has abandoned his people.

Rest assured, nothing could be further from the truth! God is a trumper and is pulling for Donald Trump. With God on his side, the chances of defeat are slim indeed. God himself told me. While I am not a prophet, God does tell me things from time to time. Mainley HE helps me moderate comments on my blog, The Donkey's Revenge. If God sees a comment he does not like, he will tell me to delete it.

God has told me personally HE has blessed his messenger on Earth, Donald Trump. All the fake prosecutions that Joe Bidet is directing be inflicted on Herr Trump will FAIL. And everyone who is persecuting him will go to Gitmo when President Trump returns to the White House. When that glorious day arrives President Trump's first order of business will be to pardon the wrongly persecuted January 6th hostages.

President Trump's second order of business will be to round up all his enemies. In the dead of night the FBI will be instructed to assault their domiciles, heavily armed. Likely the traitorous Demonrats who have betrayed their country and their Godly leader will all be taken into custody without incident. Well, some may crap their pants or piss themselves in fear. But I doubt any will resist.

They will be cuffed and hooded. Then flown to Gitmo where they will face military tribunals. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Big Mike Obama, "Doctor" Jill and Dementia Joe will be among those arrested. Along with Donald Trump's persecutors. Asswipes like Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis and the rest of the Soros gang of Jackals. ALL will be found guilty and executed.

The American people will cheer when they hear that the enemies of America have been sent to face their FINAL judgement. After which God Allmighty will order these enemies tossed into Fire Lake. Stalin, Hitler and Pot will be smiling down on us and wishing good luck to our new dictator Donald Trump.

Of course it will probably take awhile before President Trump declares himself dictator for life. With his son, Donald Junior to be the next dictator. And maybe Barron after him. This will be the establisment of the Trump Dynasty. It will be a Golden Age for America and for Christianity in America. No longer will Christians be persecuted! Abortion will be completely outlawed.

As will trans queers and other freaks. They will renouce their deviant lifestyles or they will be put to death. All muslims and Beaners will be deported. Beaners caught trying to cross our southern border will be shot on sight. Greg Abbott is truly doing the Lord's work. More razor wire will be placed in the Rio Grande. And landmines on the opposite shore. If any greasers should reach it they will be blown to Hell.

President Trump will order the mobilization of our military to assist Benjamin Netanyahu in exterminating Hamas and the people of Gaza and the West Bank. They waged war against God's chosen people and will pay the price with their lives. Men, women, the elderly and children... none will be spared.

All the good and decent people around the globe will rejoice as Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu usher in a long lasting world peace by wiping out our enemies. All will praise the name "Trump" for the rest of Human History as the God-delivered Savior of the world. Among history's greatest world leaders (men like Hitler, Stalin and Pot) Donald Trump will stand apart as the greatest world leader in all of human history for all time.

And Joe Bidet will stand out (along with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama) as the worst leader in world history. Praise Jesus that they will soon perish and be replaced by Donald Trump. From worst to best! All true patriots will praise Trump. All Democrats who fail to bend the knee will be rounded up and sent to concentration camps. Either they will be put to death or forced into hard labor for the remainder of their miserable days.

I laugh when I think about how the Bidet worshippers will suffer. Scumbags like Dervish Sanders who bow to Satan will regret their life choices bigly. And wish they had chosen differently. But then it will be too late. Because, after their miserable lives on this plane of existence ends, they will be tossed into Fire Lake where they will burn in agony for eternity.

As opposed to joining Stalin, Hitler, Pot and God's other warriors in Heaven. I know that eternal bliss awaits me when my time comes and I ascend to Heaven. I'm looking forward (a hundred years or more from now) to moving into my Heavenly mansion. There I will be waited on hand and foot by my Heavenly servants. That will be the good life. Which I have assuredly earned.

Via my good work on the Cleveland Foxers blog. And on other blogs sticking up for Donald Trump and fighting Libtards. Libtards like the aforementioned piece of garbage, Dervish Sanders. God will tell me I did fine work in my battles with that buttboi of Satan. God has already told me he likes all the fake blogs I've created to harass Dervish Sanders with.

Assface suffers great mental anguish when I fake comments from him using the Blogger account I created using his name and avator. God himself told me to do this. He said that my battles with Libtards please HIM greatly. Which is why I persist. I know I bring honor to the Lord when I attack Satan's buttbois Assface, Dave Dubya, Leslie Crapenter and Sheneneh.

I am building my Heavenly mansion right now here on earth when I toil on behalf of the Lord and his chosen leader, Donald Trump. I believe my mansion is being constructed right now. It will contain many rooms due to my loyal service on behalf of HIS chosen leader. When I take a dump on my Heavenly toilet it will be gold plated, just like Donald Trump's toilet in Trump Tower.

I know I deserve it. Just as Assface Derpish deserves to burn in agony for the rest of eternity with a sharpened and heated meathook shoved up his anus and protruding through his testicles! Praise God!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Mein Nazi Gebetstag

Heute bete ich zu meinem furzenden dicken Mann um Anleitung, was zu tun ist. Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!