Tuesday, August 13, 2024

"I Heart White Gravy" Has Been Reinstated !

The G00gle sh!ts have seen the light and determined (after carefully vetting every post) that my blog "I Heart White Gravy" deserves to be reinstated. After being locked for several months, I was recently notified that this very fine blog is now back online! Hurray!

But, where is your apology, G00gle? And why are all the hat3 blogs of that a-h0le Derv!sh Sanders still online? I instructed my friend that works at G00gle (not a sh!t) to make sure that ALL of Ichabod Derpwood's blogs be removed ASAP. My friend who works at G00gle was able to get several of Depwood's blogs taken down, but then several got reinstated.

This despite the fact that Derpwood's blogs are filled to overflowing with HAT3 for the greatest president ever, Donald Trump. Well, I suppose it does not matter. I fact I like it that Derpwood got his blogs back. His hat3 blogs will be used as state's evidence when Derpwood's trial for inciting hat3 against Donald Trump gets underway.

I would not be surprised to find that the Trump assa$sin Crooks was a reader of Derpwood's blog "Whoz Yo Mamala" and was inspired to act to murd3r Donald Trump after being incited by reading Derpwood's hat3. I predict that Derpwood will go to federal prison for his role in inciting violence against our former (and next) president, Donald Trump.

Or he could be sent to Gitmo and executed for treason. Given that spreading hat3 against America's greatest president is SURELY an act of treason.

Meanwhile, another of my blogs, "Cleveland Foxturds" remains l0cked. I created "Cleveland Foxturds" as a replacement for "I Heart White Gravy" after that blog was locked. Now Cleveland Foxturds is locked? WTF? BTW, this is "Cleveland Foxturds 2". I created this blog after the original "Cleveland Foxturds" was locked.

I did this by creating "Cleveland Foxturds 2" and then re-publishing all the content I had created on Cleveland Foxturds to my new blog. I didn't lose anything as a result of Derpwood's continuing attacks and attemps to get my blogs taken down. Suck it, Derpwood!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Cleveland Foxturds Is Under Attack !

I just discovered that this blog is under attack! How do I know? I tried to bring it up on my phone and found that, instead of my blog, there was a page that said "this blog has been removed".

Luckily I had everything backed up so was able to restore what I had lost pretty quickly. I learned my lesson the last time this happened. My "I Heart White Gravy" blog was wiped out after that a-hole Dervish Sanders reported it to Blogger for a TOS infraction.

Of course the allegation that I'm guilty of a TOS violation is completely absurd true. I have never in my life violated ANY blogging platform's TOS. Except for the time I faked comments from Dervish Sanders on my Wordpress blog. Derpwood reported me to Wordpress and got my blog wiped out. And I think he must have reported other blogs of mine for phony baloney genuine TOS infractions.

It was him or Irl Hudnutt. But I got my revenge and I fake reported him to G00gle and had several of his blogs taken down. LOL! That will teach him to mess with me. After I messed with him. But that is no excuse, Ichabod Derpwood!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

While The Iron Is Hot...

As soon as Donald Trump is reinstalled and reinaugurated as US President and has appointed his attorney general he must instruct that person (Ken Paxton?) to wipe out the Democrat party. But he MUST act quickly. AG Paxton, at the direction of President Trump, needs to arrest every DemonRat in the United States (and outside the United States) and charge them ALL with treason. Additionally, everyone arrested in the January 6th fake "insurrection" must freed immediately and given pardons for all "crimes" comitted. No excuses or delays.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Time To Prepare For Election Warfare!

It's time to prepare for the bigly fight coming our way. We should not underestimate the cheating tactics Democraps will pull off to steal the election. I just got something on my blog feed that will make everyone's blood boil. Dervish Sanders has been posting memes on the internet, insulting the best President ever in all of history, Donald Trump.

This is an outrage! Dervish Sanders put these up on his hate blogs and social media sites. We need to get his hate sites and all his social media sites taken down permanently!

Monday, June 3, 2024

President Trump Will Send The Corrupt Beaner Judge Juan To Gitmo When He Returns To The White House

He will face a military tribunal, be convicted of being a traitor, put to death and then tossed into Fire Lake where he will burn for eternity. The Prophets have spoken. God punishes those who mess with his Chosen One.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Robert De Niro Is A Traitor!

This washed up actor had the nerve to attack President Trump! I am SO ANGRY! De Niro has definitely lost it. He will regret speaking against President Trump. For sure after President Trump returns to the White House. Could Robert De Niro be sent to Gitmo, put on trial, found guilty and executed?

Remember that De Niro appeared on SNL and protrayed Robert Mueller. Both De Niro and Alec Baldwin should pay for disrespecting our President Trump! And, don't forget, Alec Baldwin is a murderer. Hillary Clinton tasked him with killing Halyna Hutchins. Alec thought he could get away with his crime by making it look like an accident, but he is about to find out otherwise.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mein DonaldTrump Rumbled Loudly In NY Court

My bigly fat sloppy trumphole rumbled loudly this week when Best President Ever Donald John Trump tooted a big long and loud juicy wet fart while in court. Heil Hitler-Trump! Heil Hitler-Trump! Heil Hitler-Trump!

LOL! Mein president showed them! Everyone around him was punished by having to inhale some smelly toots. Though, if I had been there, I would be in Heaven!

I also need to say that this occured before President Trump was unjustly convicted in that sham trial. Instead of a unanimous decision to find Mr Trump guilty (when he did absolutely nothing wrong) only 1 juror said Mr Trump was guilty! All ELEVEN other jurrors said the rightful President of the United States is completely innocent of any wrong doing what-so-ever!

But the judge in the case, a Beaner and a utter moron, sent "instructions" to the jury that one person saying he was guilty was enough. I heard that jurror was someone who lied to get on the Jurry. It was a Trump hater who wanted our beloved president to go to prison for the rest of his life. Or, go to prison for a short time, then get shanked and murdered. Jeff-Epstein-style. Meaning the guards would be paid to not stop the killing. And never find out who did it.

Luckily God gave Mr Trump a bulletpr00f. After Mr Trump returns to the White House (in a popular and Electoral College) blowout, he will have that corrupt judge Juan Merchan prosecuted. What I think will happen is that he will be sent to Gitmo, face a military tribunal, and then executed by hanging. This will not go well for that Colombian jackal in the Judgement seat.

God is very angry with this corrupt "judge". Juano bit some moonbat guano. He'll be heaving very soon, as Alpha Lions wake up and come after him and his butt buddies. He will regret what he did to President Trump when he is burning in agony in Fire Lake. President Trump has been anointed by God. You DON'T mess with God's anointed leaders!

God BLESS you, President Trump! Soon you will return to the White House. And then your enemies will PAY! Then it will be Joe Bidet who will be the one being prosecuted and convicted for all the thieving he has done. Stealing from the American people. Along with this druggie ped0 son. They will both be hauled off to Gitmo, found guilty and swiftly executed.