Friday, August 9, 2024

Cleveland Foxturds Is Under Attack !

I just discovered that this blog is under attack! How do I know? I tried to bring it up on my phone and found that, instead of my blog, there was a page that said "this blog has been removed".

Luckily I had everything backed up so was able to restore what I had lost pretty quickly. I learned my lesson the last time this happened. My "I Heart White Gravy" blog was wiped out after that a-hole Dervish Sanders reported it to Blogger for a TOS infraction.

Of course the allegation that I'm guilty of a TOS violation is completely absurd true. I have never in my life violated ANY blogging platform's TOS. Except for the time I faked comments from Dervish Sanders on my Wordpress blog. Derpwood reported me to Wordpress and got my blog wiped out. And I think he must have reported other blogs of mine for phony baloney genuine TOS infractions.

It was him or Irl Hudnutt. But I got my revenge and I fake reported him to G00gle and had several of his blogs taken down. LOL! That will teach him to mess with me. After I messed with him. But that is no excuse, Ichabod Derpwood!

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