Saturday, June 26, 2021

World Record Holder

So I recently took a job acting in a g@y pornography film. Over one hundred men lined up to be or@lly pleasured by yours truly. But this does NOT mean I am g@y. I am a 100% straight man. What I was interested in accomplishing was breaking the world record for most white gr@vy consumed during one g@ng bang. Which I did (break the record). Confirmed by a stomach pump performed after I finished servicing all the other actors. 2.1 pints! Hurray for me! Other world records I am interested in breaking are the longest poo (12 foot, 2 inches) and most prolonged f@rt (2 minutes 42 seconds). That last one I believe I will be able to break easily (and actually I should have gone for this one first).

Note: I originally published this post on my blog at the URL, but that blog got taken down after Assface falsely reported it for a bogus T0S infraction. Luckily I had it backed up and can therefore republish it here, on my new blog. I changed the date to match the date I originally published it at my Wh!te Gr@vy blog.

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