Monday, August 1, 2022

So It Looks Like I Caught The MonkeyPox!

My bro Rikishi is cross with me because I caught Monkeypox and then gave it to him. We were rubbing our naked bodies together (as bros do) and after that he broke out in blisters that then crusted over.

Rikishi saw a rash on my ass before he started reaming my b-hole with his hotdog and asked "is this Monkeypox?", but I lied and said no. Actually, I thought it might be, but I wasn't sure.

I have no idea how I got it. Maybe that dude in the male strip club who gave me a lap dance? Maybe that homeless guy I gave a BJ to in the alley behind the Kroger on Ball Road? Or it's possible I caught it from my old NAMBLA buddy Dick Peyronie. We met up last week and shared between us his new boy. Really, I'm not sure.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Awesome Congressman Madison Cawthorn Smeared By RINO PAC Losses His Seat!

Madison Cawthorn lost his seat due to lies about innocent pics and videos put out to smear him by a RINO political PAC. So (for shits and giggles) he dressed in women's underwear. So what? So a male staffer grabbed his hotdog as a funny prank. So what? So Madison thrust his nude torso into the face of his male cousin? So what? How does two bros goofing around and being silly make them "gay" or "bi-sexual"? Sickos leapt to conclusions based on their own perversions.

Perhaps Madison's male staffer (after the video cut off) unzipped Madison's pants and gave him a handy. Perhaps Madison's male cousin opened his mouth and sucked in Madison's hotdog (after the video cut off) because he was thirsty for some white gravy. Again, I say SO WHAT?! These are things straight bros do. Trust me. I know. I do all these things and more with my bro Rikishi.

It isn't "gay" when me and my bro (both fully nude) wrestle, 69 each other, or thrust our hotdogs up each other's endos. It's two cool straight dudes goofing around, being silly and having fun. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It is certainly not "gay". Faggotry is a sin in God's eyes. I'm not a fag and don't engage in faggotry. I am a straight Christian dude who follows God's commandment not to lie with a man as a man lies with a woman!

Friday, May 27, 2022

The Hilarious M@ss Sh00tings Of Sch00l Children

I am strongly opposed to butchering babies in the womb, but if they're butchered after leaving the womb I could care less. I'm talking about kids in classrooms getting mowed down by shooters wielding AR-15s. Supposedly the murdered kids' bodies were so torn up by bullets they had to use DNA to identify them. LOL!

Sorry libt@rds, but I am a 2nd amendment absolutist! What is super funny is when libt@rds cry and say the 2nd amendment should be repealed, the arms manufacturers sell more guns! That 21 kids were murdeЯed in a school shooting is the price of freedom, libt@rds! I don't care if dozens of k!ds are slaughteЯed in schools every day of the week, there can be NO Яestrictions on the 2nd amendment. In fact, we need to make it easier for people to buy guns, including mentally ill people. That is what president D0nald TЯump did.

EVERY0NE should be aЯmed. Then mentally ill people will think twice before deciding to mass muЯder people. Until then, however, I only laugh when sch00l k!ds are slaughteЯed. You will never change my mind. I love the 2nd amendment and I love the NЯA!

Note: I originally published this post on my blog at the URL, but that blog got taken down after Assface falsely reported it for a bogus T0S infraction. Luckily I had it backed up and can therefore republish it here, on my new blog. I changed the date to match the date I originally published it at my Wh!te Gr@vy blog.