Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Sad Anniversary For Mein Füher, Ad0lf Hit!er. April 30, 1945

Ad0lf Hit!er, chancellor and dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945, committed suicide via a gunshot to the head on April 30, 1945. This great man took his own life in the Führerbunker in Berlin after it became clear that Germany would lose the Battle of Berlin, which led to the end of World War II in Europe.

Truly this was a sad day for Germany and for the world!

Future dictator of America, Donald Trump, will not suffer the same fate. He will be democratically elected and return to the White House next year.

After that the USA will transition to a dictatorship, the greatest form of government the world has ever know! Provided the right person is in charge.

Make Amerikkka Great Again! Deport all Beaners and T0wel Heads!

Heil God's Chosen leader (for Germany at the time) Ad0lf Hitler! Heil God's Chosen Leader (for America), Donald Trump!

btw, if Joe Bidet is somehow "re-elected" (via cheating) I think he is the one who will suffer a gunshot wound to the head!

After which he will take his permanent retirement. The prophets say that soon Satan will be calling Joe Bidet home.

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