Monday, April 1, 2024

My 0riginal Bl0g Got Taken D0wn!

Assface DeЯvish went after my original I HeaЯt Wh!te Gr@vy blog and made sure it got wiped out, just like he did with my Donkey's Liberal Heel Kick blog. I made to ₱00₱€‽ my jock strap and queer thong panties when ¡ $∆w my blogs removed over fake charges.

Assf@ce DeЯvish is going to regret going after my blogs when he least expects it. I will not stop until Assf@ce DeЯvish is taken out and wiped off the face of this earth!

Ich spüre ein Kribbeln in meinem dicken Arsch. Riesiger schwarzer Coq fühlt sich sensationell an meinen dicken Arsch.

I feel a tingling sensation in my big @ss. Huge b!@ck c0q feels sensational on my big @ss.

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