Tuesday, August 13, 2024

"I Heart White Gravy" Has Been Reinstated !

The G00gle sh!ts have seen the light and determined (after carefully vetting every post) that my blog "I Heart White Gravy" deserves to be reinstated. After being locked for several months, I was recently notified that this very fine blog is now back online! Hurray!

But, where is your apology, G00gle? And why are all the hat3 blogs of that a-h0le Derv!sh Sanders still online? I instructed my friend that works at G00gle (not a sh!t) to make sure that ALL of Ichabod Derpwood's blogs be removed ASAP. My friend who works at G00gle was able to get several of Depwood's blogs taken down, but then several got reinstated.

This despite the fact that Derpwood's blogs are filled to overflowing with HAT3 for the greatest president ever, Donald Trump. Well, I suppose it does not matter. I fact I like it that Derpwood got his blogs back. His hat3 blogs will be used as state's evidence when Derpwood's trial for inciting hat3 against Donald Trump gets underway.

I would not be surprised to find that the Trump assa$sin Crooks was a reader of Derpwood's blog "Whoz Yo Mamala" and was inspired to act to murd3r Donald Trump after being incited by reading Derpwood's hat3. I predict that Derpwood will go to federal prison for his role in inciting violence against our former (and next) president, Donald Trump.

Or he could be sent to Gitmo and executed for treason. Given that spreading hat3 against America's greatest president is SURELY an act of treason.

Meanwhile, another of my blogs, "Cleveland Foxturds" remains l0cked. I created "Cleveland Foxturds" as a replacement for "I Heart White Gravy" after that blog was locked. Now Cleveland Foxturds is locked? WTF? BTW, this is "Cleveland Foxturds 2". I created this blog after the original "Cleveland Foxturds" was locked.

I did this by creating "Cleveland Foxturds 2" and then re-publishing all the content I had created on Cleveland Foxturds to my new blog. I didn't lose anything as a result of Derpwood's continuing attacks and attemps to get my blogs taken down. Suck it, Derpwood!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Cleveland Foxturds Is Under Attack !

I just discovered that this blog is under attack! How do I know? I tried to bring it up on my phone and found that, instead of my blog, there was a page that said "this blog has been removed".

Luckily I had everything backed up so was able to restore what I had lost pretty quickly. I learned my lesson the last time this happened. My "I Heart White Gravy" blog was wiped out after that a-hole Dervish Sanders reported it to Blogger for a TOS infraction.

Of course the allegation that I'm guilty of a TOS violation is completely absurd true. I have never in my life violated ANY blogging platform's TOS. Except for the time I faked comments from Dervish Sanders on my Wordpress blog. Derpwood reported me to Wordpress and got my blog wiped out. And I think he must have reported other blogs of mine for phony baloney genuine TOS infractions.

It was him or Irl Hudnutt. But I got my revenge and I fake reported him to G00gle and had several of his blogs taken down. LOL! That will teach him to mess with me. After I messed with him. But that is no excuse, Ichabod Derpwood!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

While The Iron Is Hot...

As soon as Donald Trump is reinstalled and reinaugurated as US President and has appointed his attorney general he must instruct that person (Ken Paxton?) to wipe out the Democrat party. But he MUST act quickly. AG Paxton, at the direction of President Trump, needs to arrest every DemonRat in the United States (and outside the United States) and charge them ALL with treason. Additionally, everyone arrested in the January 6th fake "insurrection" must freed immediately and given pardons for all "crimes" comitted. No excuses or delays.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Time To Prepare For Election Warfare!

It's time to prepare for the bigly fight coming our way. We should not underestimate the cheating tactics Democraps will pull off to steal the election. I just got something on my blog feed that will make everyone's blood boil. Dervish Sanders has been posting memes on the internet, insulting the best President ever in all of history, Donald Trump.

This is an outrage! Dervish Sanders put these up on his hate blogs and social media sites. We need to get his hate sites and all his social media sites taken down permanently!

Monday, June 3, 2024

President Trump Will Send The Corrupt Beaner Judge Juan To Gitmo When He Returns To The White House

He will face a military tribunal, be convicted of being a traitor, put to death and then tossed into Fire Lake where he will burn for eternity. The Prophets have spoken. God punishes those who mess with his Chosen One.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Robert De Niro Is A Traitor!

This washed up actor had the nerve to attack President Trump! I am SO ANGRY! De Niro has definitely lost it. He will regret speaking against President Trump. For sure after President Trump returns to the White House. Could Robert De Niro be sent to Gitmo, put on trial, found guilty and executed?

Remember that De Niro appeared on SNL and protrayed Robert Mueller. Both De Niro and Alec Baldwin should pay for disrespecting our President Trump! And, don't forget, Alec Baldwin is a murderer. Hillary Clinton tasked him with killing Halyna Hutchins. Alec thought he could get away with his crime by making it look like an accident, but he is about to find out otherwise.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mein DonaldTrump Rumbled Loudly In NY Court

My bigly fat sloppy trumphole rumbled loudly this week when Best President Ever Donald John Trump tooted a big long and loud juicy wet fart while in court. Heil Hitler-Trump! Heil Hitler-Trump! Heil Hitler-Trump!

LOL! Mein president showed them! Everyone around him was punished by having to inhale some smelly toots. Though, if I had been there, I would be in Heaven!

I also need to say that this occured before President Trump was unjustly convicted in that sham trial. Instead of a unanimous decision to find Mr Trump guilty (when he did absolutely nothing wrong) only 1 juror said Mr Trump was guilty! All ELEVEN other jurrors said the rightful President of the United States is completely innocent of any wrong doing what-so-ever!

But the judge in the case, a Beaner and a utter moron, sent "instructions" to the jury that one person saying he was guilty was enough. I heard that jurror was someone who lied to get on the Jurry. It was a Trump hater who wanted our beloved president to go to prison for the rest of his life. Or, go to prison for a short time, then get shanked and murdered. Jeff-Epstein-style. Meaning the guards would be paid to not stop the killing. And never find out who did it.

Luckily God gave Mr Trump a bulletpr00f. After Mr Trump returns to the White House (in a popular and Electoral College) blowout, he will have that corrupt judge Juan Merchan prosecuted. What I think will happen is that he will be sent to Gitmo, face a military tribunal, and then executed by hanging. This will not go well for that Colombian jackal in the Judgement seat.

God is very angry with this corrupt "judge". Juano bit some moonbat guano. He'll be heaving very soon, as Alpha Lions wake up and come after him and his butt buddies. He will regret what he did to President Trump when he is burning in agony in Fire Lake. President Trump has been anointed by God. You DON'T mess with God's anointed leaders!

God BLESS you, President Trump! Soon you will return to the White House. And then your enemies will PAY! Then it will be Joe Bidet who will be the one being prosecuted and convicted for all the thieving he has done. Stealing from the American people. Along with this druggie ped0 son. They will both be hauled off to Gitmo, found guilty and swiftly executed.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin And Pol Pot Are Celebrating Cleveland Foxturds!

These three excellent world leaders (though now deceased) are definitely celebrating Cleveland Foxturds. In Heaven, where they surely are, having earned entry to paradise through their good deeds in life! Donald Trump has also earned his place in Heaven. When he passes away (decades from now) he will take his place at the right hand of God, as his Chosen Leader who served him best! Nobody can deny that Donald Trump did an outstanding job as POTUS when he served his first term. I have zero doubt that Donald Trump will do an even better job as president when he returns to the White House in 2025.

Provided Satan does not prevail and his chosen leader (Joe Bidet) does not steal the election again. As he did in 2020. But I am quite confident that Donald Trump will defeat the dementia-addled demon-possessed Bidet and serve a second and probably third term. Then American WILL be Great Again! Heil Herr Trump, our wonderful golden God! All bow down in worship to President Trump!

Surely his accomplishments as US POTUS after his triumphant return to the White House will surpass the incredible accomplishments of Stalin, Hitler and Pot. Making these superlative leaders a tad jealous, perhaps? But, given that these 3 fine gentlement (who are now in Heaven) definitely only want what is best for humanity, they can put aside such petty jealously. For certain.

And CHEER for the success of God's warrior Donald Trump and for the DEFEAT of Satan's demented bumbling champion, Joe Bidet. Yes, my friends, we (when the HELL of the Bidet reign has ended) will ALL celebrate. Blogs such as mine are important in bringing about this victory, I am convinced. Not this one, specifically. But I am positive I am doing the Lord's work on my other sister blog, Cleveland Foxers.

It is on my Cleveland Foxers blog that I post information and videos that keep my readers informed about what the Prophets are saying. This keeps hope alive. The lamestream media, at the direction of Joe Bidet, is trying to censor and keep hidden the GOOD news the Lord is spreading via HIS prophets. If people don't hear from the prophets they may lose hope. Not bother voting because they have lost faith and wrongly conclude that God has abandoned his people.

Rest assured, nothing could be further from the truth! God is a trumper and is pulling for Donald Trump. With God on his side, the chances of defeat are slim indeed. God himself told me. While I am not a prophet, God does tell me things from time to time. Mainley HE helps me moderate comments on my blog, The Donkey's Revenge. If God sees a comment he does not like, he will tell me to delete it.

God has told me personally HE has blessed his messenger on Earth, Donald Trump. All the fake prosecutions that Joe Bidet is directing be inflicted on Herr Trump will FAIL. And everyone who is persecuting him will go to Gitmo when President Trump returns to the White House. When that glorious day arrives President Trump's first order of business will be to pardon the wrongly persecuted January 6th hostages.

President Trump's second order of business will be to round up all his enemies. In the dead of night the FBI will be instructed to assault their domiciles, heavily armed. Likely the traitorous Demonrats who have betrayed their country and their Godly leader will all be taken into custody without incident. Well, some may crap their pants or piss themselves in fear. But I doubt any will resist.

They will be cuffed and hooded. Then flown to Gitmo where they will face military tribunals. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Big Mike Obama, "Doctor" Jill and Dementia Joe will be among those arrested. Along with Donald Trump's persecutors. Asswipes like Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis and the rest of the Soros gang of Jackals. ALL will be found guilty and executed.

The American people will cheer when they hear that the enemies of America have been sent to face their FINAL judgement. After which God Allmighty will order these enemies tossed into Fire Lake. Stalin, Hitler and Pot will be smiling down on us and wishing good luck to our new dictator Donald Trump.

Of course it will probably take awhile before President Trump declares himself dictator for life. With his son, Donald Junior to be the next dictator. And maybe Barron after him. This will be the establisment of the Trump Dynasty. It will be a Golden Age for America and for Christianity in America. No longer will Christians be persecuted! Abortion will be completely outlawed.

As will trans queers and other freaks. They will renouce their deviant lifestyles or they will be put to death. All muslims and Beaners will be deported. Beaners caught trying to cross our southern border will be shot on sight. Greg Abbott is truly doing the Lord's work. More razor wire will be placed in the Rio Grande. And landmines on the opposite shore. If any greasers should reach it they will be blown to Hell.

President Trump will order the mobilization of our military to assist Benjamin Netanyahu in exterminating Hamas and the people of Gaza and the West Bank. They waged war against God's chosen people and will pay the price with their lives. Men, women, the elderly and children... none will be spared.

All the good and decent people around the globe will rejoice as Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu usher in a long lasting world peace by wiping out our enemies. All will praise the name "Trump" for the rest of Human History as the God-delivered Savior of the world. Among history's greatest world leaders (men like Hitler, Stalin and Pot) Donald Trump will stand apart as the greatest world leader in all of human history for all time.

And Joe Bidet will stand out (along with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama) as the worst leader in world history. Praise Jesus that they will soon perish and be replaced by Donald Trump. From worst to best! All true patriots will praise Trump. All Democrats who fail to bend the knee will be rounded up and sent to concentration camps. Either they will be put to death or forced into hard labor for the remainder of their miserable days.

I laugh when I think about how the Bidet worshippers will suffer. Scumbags like Dervish Sanders who bow to Satan will regret their life choices bigly. And wish they had chosen differently. But then it will be too late. Because, after their miserable lives on this plane of existence ends, they will be tossed into Fire Lake where they will burn in agony for eternity.

As opposed to joining Stalin, Hitler, Pot and God's other warriors in Heaven. I know that eternal bliss awaits me when my time comes and I ascend to Heaven. I'm looking forward (a hundred years or more from now) to moving into my Heavenly mansion. There I will be waited on hand and foot by my Heavenly servants. That will be the good life. Which I have assuredly earned.

Via my good work on the Cleveland Foxers blog. And on other blogs sticking up for Donald Trump and fighting Libtards. Libtards like the aforementioned piece of garbage, Dervish Sanders. God will tell me I did fine work in my battles with that buttboi of Satan. God has already told me he likes all the fake blogs I've created to harass Dervish Sanders with.

Assface suffers great mental anguish when I fake comments from him using the Blogger account I created using his name and avator. God himself told me to do this. He said that my battles with Libtards please HIM greatly. Which is why I persist. I know I bring honor to the Lord when I attack Satan's buttbois Assface, Dave Dubya, Leslie Crapenter and Sheneneh.

I am building my Heavenly mansion right now here on earth when I toil on behalf of the Lord and his chosen leader, Donald Trump. I believe my mansion is being constructed right now. It will contain many rooms due to my loyal service on behalf of HIS chosen leader. When I take a dump on my Heavenly toilet it will be gold plated, just like Donald Trump's toilet in Trump Tower.

I know I deserve it. Just as Assface Derpish deserves to burn in agony for the rest of eternity with a sharpened and heated meathook shoved up his anus and protruding through his testicles! Praise God!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Mein Nazi Gebetstag

Heute bete ich zu meinem furzenden dicken Mann um Anleitung, was zu tun ist. Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Sad Anniversary For Mein Füher, Ad0lf Hit!er. April 30, 1945

Ad0lf Hit!er, chancellor and dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945, committed suicide via a gunshot to the head on April 30, 1945. This great man took his own life in the Führerbunker in Berlin after it became clear that Germany would lose the Battle of Berlin, which led to the end of World War II in Europe.

Truly this was a sad day for Germany and for the world!

Future dictator of America, Donald Trump, will not suffer the same fate. He will be democratically elected and return to the White House next year.

After that the USA will transition to a dictatorship, the greatest form of government the world has ever know! Provided the right person is in charge.

Make Amerikkka Great Again! Deport all Beaners and T0wel Heads!

Heil God's Chosen leader (for Germany at the time) Ad0lf Hitler! Heil God's Chosen Leader (for America), Donald Trump!

btw, if Joe Bidet is somehow "re-elected" (via cheating) I think he is the one who will suffer a gunshot wound to the head!

After which he will take his permanent retirement. The prophets say that soon Satan will be calling Joe Bidet home.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Bigly Blog Problems

Apparently my Wh!te Gr@vy (completely not fake) Mystere blog got wiped out by G00gle a few days ago as a result of me posting some dirty p0rnographic photos of myself engaging in butt sex with Eric Trump? Or the reason could be that I posted images of myself having sloppy seconds off Donald Trump's butt crack? That could be what got me into heat with Google? Screencaps are forever. I hope nobody has any. In any case, I'm definitely not going to post those photos again. People might see my end0 pimples. That would be bigly embarassing.

Above is a sexy pic of Donald Trump's end0 that makes me extremely h0rny. btw, I have only ever had end0 sex with Eric Trump or had sloppy seconds off Donald Trump's butt crack in my fantasies. Although I did post some drawings I made of what such encounters might look like. And that might explain why my Wh!te gravy blog was taken down. I really can't say. G00gle did warn me about "adult content", but I'm not really that good an artist, so I don't know if those drawings were what they objected to or not.

Maybe it was the pics I posted of Donald Trump taking a shower? But that same pic is on my Donkey's Revenge blog. Maybe I should delete it to prevent TDR from being wiped out as well?

Monday, April 22, 2024

I Was Ticketed For Taking A Bigly Dump In Public!

I ripped a bigly fart and pooped my pants in public recently. The Cypress Police department had the nerve to issue a desktop ticket for me to appear in court for an environmental violation! FOR WHAT??? I only had an accident in my pants while walking up Garden Grove Blvd to visit the Frat House Bar and Nite Club. I can't help it if I had a bigly dump by accident.

My vibrator, which had been stuck up my endo, shot out like a speedy bullet when I ripped the bigly fart. Soon afterwards, my endo erupted with a bigly load of orange turds shooting out, onto the sidewalk on Garden Grove Blvd.

It feels sooooooooo good to rant about this! I feel bigly thrills up my L'eggs right now. Well, I gotta go. Flarpy Blunderguff wants to meet with me at the Frat House, and have a bang up time. My boingly boing boing is getting bent right now.

Monday, April 15, 2024

I Feel Bigly H0rny

This is my other account, the one I use to post my queertarded secrets then blame DeЯvish SandeЯs. On this blog I can confess my bigly urges and hide them from everyone else.

My first bigly bro sex experience was with a Black man with a bigly schlong up my big fat juicy booty hole. I got a hugely super tingle up my loins. But I felt so guilty for having a bigly sensation that made me super moist.

Oh how I miss my big Black bro's bigly boing-boing shoved up my moist tight bunghole! I must have been deeply in love with my big Black bro. But I got super jealous when my big Black bro knocked up my sissy, and fathered her bastard little boy. I thought for sure my big Black bro only wanted to boing-boing my superly bootilicious tight toot toot. My sissy got stuck raising a half breed bastard mutt after he took off.

Maybe that's why I like wearing my Donald Trump thong backless men's panties at the queer men's bathhouse in downtown Cypress CA. I twerk my juicy bootilicious toot toot in front of my half breed mongrel nephew in hopes he'll let me give him a rusty trombone, like his n*¿¿€ฯ mac daddy used to.

In the meantime, I make do with white gr@vy and getting stinkf@ces from sweaty white fat twinks and fat old white bears. But there is an old orange bear who is a dead ringer for my favorite god who will be returning to the white house soon. And his name is also Donald. Donald has lost control over his bowel movements, and sometimes passes moist juicy ones in my face when he lets one rip, while he twerks on my face :)

For the record, none of this means I am a queert@rd. I am a totally straight dude who sometimes sins, as we all do.

Monday, April 1, 2024

My 0riginal Bl0g Got Taken D0wn!

Assface DeЯvish went after my original I HeaЯt Wh!te Gr@vy blog and made sure it got wiped out, just like he did with my Donkey's Liberal Heel Kick blog. I made to ₱00₱€‽ my jock strap and queer thong panties when ¡ $∆w my blogs removed over fake charges.

Assf@ce DeЯvish is going to regret going after my blogs when he least expects it. I will not stop until Assf@ce DeЯvish is taken out and wiped off the face of this earth!

Ich spüre ein Kribbeln in meinem dicken Arsch. Riesiger schwarzer Coq fühlt sich sensationell an meinen dicken Arsch.

I feel a tingling sensation in my big @ss. Huge b!@ck c0q feels sensational on my big @ss.